Form 2290 Other Credits (Sold & Destroyed)

If your vehicle was sold, stolen, or destroyed during the tax year, use ExpressTruckTax to claim HVUT credits or a refund easily with accurate calculations.

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Other Credits (Sold & Destroyed)

If your taxable vehicle was sold, stolen, or destroyed during the tax year, you can claim a credit on the HVUT paid for that vehicle with ExpressTruckTax. Our system will calculate the amount the IRS owes you, helping you claim the exact credit amount.

1. What are Form 2290 credits?

The IRS refunds the HVUT amount paid by owners/drivers as credits in the following situations.

  • If the vehicle was sold, stolen, or destroyed within the tax year.
  • If the vehicle has low mileage credits.
  • If you overpaid your HVUT by mistake.

You can either claim a full refund or use the credit to pay your HVUT while filing your Form 2290 the following year.

2. What is a taxable vehicle?

To be considered taxable, a vehicle must match all the following criteria:

  • Operates on public highways.
  • Has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.
  • Is driven more than 5000 miles (7500 for agricultural vehicles) during the tax year.

You must file Form 2290 and pay HVUT every year for taxable vehicles. However, if these vehicles are sold/stolen/destroyed before the tax year ends, you can refund the remaining tax amount.

3. How do I claim my credit using ExpressTruckTax?

You can claim your Form 2290 credits in two different ways.

  • Form 2290 – Use your credits to pay the HVUT for the subsequent tax year .
  • Form 8849 – Claim a refund on the HVUT paid for the vehicle.
4. Claiming credits through Form 2290

If your taxable vehicle was sold, destroyed, or stolen during the tax year, you can use the HVUT paid for them as credits to pay your HVUT for the subsequent tax year. Here’s how you can claim your credits through Form 2290.

  • Log in to your ExpressTruckTax account.
  • Click on “E-file for Multiple Vehicles” under “Start New Return”.
  • Choose your tax year and First Used Month (FUM).
  • Enter the required information about all your taxable vehicles.
  • Provide information about suspended and prior-year suspended vehicles if applicable.
  • Enter the required information about your Sold/Destroyed credit vehicle.
  • Follow the prompts to complete your return and transmit it to the IRS.
5. Claiming credits through Form 8849

Form 8849 Schedule 6 is exclusively made available by the IRS to claim credits on the HVUT paid. You can claim your credits completely using Form 8849 at any time. Here’s how you can claim credits through Form 8849.

  • Log in to your ExpressTruckTax account.
  • Click on “Start Form 8849” under “Start New Return”.
  • Choose the ending month of your tax year.
  • Enter the required vehicle information on the sold/destroyed credits page.
  • Follow the prompts to complete your return and transmit it to the IRS.

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“That's it? Fantastic. This is the first time in 18 years I haven't had to go to the IRS office. I love you guys!”

“Express truck tax is a very reliable company. customer service is great and I like that I get constant email reminders and occasional phone calls from staff when its time to file.”

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