HVUT Form 2290 Filing Solution for Truckers from Utah (UT)

Only $19.90 for a single vehicle

Utah Trucking Industry

The Utah Trucking Association is committed to advocating for sound legislation and regulations, enhancing safety through effective educational programs, improving efficiencies while promoting a positive image and providing a forum for networking and collaboration.

Trucks were introduced to Utah in 1905 and quickly became part of the transportation picture; but World War I was the test that truly proved the utility of motor trucks and airplanes. Following that war, both means of transportation supplemented rail transport before they began to compete with the railroad for business. Motor trucks depended on roads for access to their customers. The war had demonstrated the value of trucks; roads were just beginning to be built. The government passed the Federal Highway Act of 1921 which provided money to improve seven percent of states’ road systems. Utah participated with enthusiasm, and the heavy construction industry blossomed for the next decade. The trucking industry developed two categories of truckers: “for hire,” meaning those who were available to haul freight by contract; and “private,” meaning those who hauled for their own company.

Utah Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return

HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax collected annually on heavy vehicles with gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, operating on public highways.

Truckers from Utah can e-File Form 2290, with ExpressTruckTax, and receive your stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS in minutes.

What are the benefits of E-Filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?

Utah Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs)

ExpressTruckTax has partnered with the Utah State Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMVs) to speed up the process of vehicle registrations and tag renewals by having them verified online for the authenticity of Schedule 1’s.

What are the benefits of Utah partnering with ExpressTruckTax?
  • Check Schedule 1 online using either EIN or VIN
  • The quick verification process for registration or renewal of license plates
  • Identify fraudulent HVUT payment proof
  • Stay HVUT compliant

Get Started Today with ExpressTruckTax

Online IRS-Authorized HVUT E-Filing Software You Can Trust