
HVUT Form 2290 Filing Solution for Truckers from
Vermont (VT)

Why E-File 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?
  • #1 IRS 2290 E-file Provider
  • Instant IRS Filing Status
  • Get Stamped Schedule 1 in Minutes
E-File 2290 Now
Only $14.90 for a single vehicle
Vermont Map

Vermont Trucking Industry

At the time of the American Revolution, Vermont was not easily accessible. A few military roads and major waterways, such as the Connecticut River, Winooski River, and Lake Champlain, provided the best routes through the territory. In the early 18th century, small earthen roadways carried travelers by foot or horseback. Ox teams were used for hauling heavy or large loads overland, such as the Vermont granite used in the construction of the State Capitol. By the end of the 18th century, private individuals constructed several turnpikes, which greatly improved land transportation in the State, and enabled the establishment of stagecoach lines.

In Vermont, like many other States, the arrival of the railroad directly influenced the transition of small villages to thriving towns and cities with expanded industries, populations.

Vermont Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return

HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax collected annually on heavy vehicles with gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, operating on public highways.

Truckers from Vermont can e-File Form 2290, with ExpressTruckTax, and receive your stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS in minutes.

What are the benefits of E-Filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?

#1 IRS authorized 2290 e-file provider
#1 IRS authorized 2290 e-file provider
Get 2290 Schedule 1 instantly
Get 2290 Schedule 1 instantly
Instant notification about the IRS filing status
Instant notification about the IRS filing status
Free VIN Corrections
Free VIN Corrections
Free retransmission of rejected returns
Free retransmission of rejected returns
File conveniently from any device
File conveniently from any device
Support 2290 Amendments
Support 2290 Amendments
Save Your Vehicle Information
Claim credits using
Form 8849 (Schedule 6)
US Based Customer Support
US Based Customer Support

Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs)

ExpressTruckTax has partnered with the Vermont State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs) to speed up the process of vehicle registrations and tag renewals by having them verified online for the
authenticity of Schedule 1’s.

The following Vermont County DMVs authorities can now verify the 2290 Schedule 1 of vehicles that require registration or renewal of license plates using ExpressTruckTax.

What are the benefits of Vermont DMVs partnering with ExpressTruckTax?

  • Check Schedule 1 online using either EIN or VIN
  • The quick verification process for registration or renewal of license plates
  • Identify fraudulent HVUT payment proof
  • Stay HVUT compliant

Get Started Today with ExpressTruckTax

Online IRS-Authorized HVUT E-Filing Software You Can Trust

Now Accepting the 2024-25 Form 2290

Get Your Stamped Schedule 1 in Minutes!